Every choice that is displeasing to God is the wrong choice.

Because we are creatures of free will, we make choices – lots of them. When we make choices that are pleasing to our Heavenly Father, we are blessed. When we make choices that cause us to walk in the footsteps of God's Son, we enjoy the abundance that Christ has promised to those who follow Him. But when we make choices that are displeasing to God, we sow seeds that have the potential to bring forth a bitter harvest. Today as we encounter the challenges of everyday living, we will make hundreds of choices, let us choose Wisely! Let us make our thoughts and actions pleasing to God. Remember: every choice that is displeasing to God is the wrong choice – no exceptions. Faith is not a feeling; it is action. It is a willed choice. Today let us focus our thoughts on God's will for our lives. Let us strive to make decisions that are pleasing to God. ~James 3:17