Where can we find contentment?

Where can we find contentment? Is it a result of wealth, or power, or beauty, or fame? HARDLY. Genuine contentment is a gift from God to those who trust Him and follow His commandments. Our modern world seems preoccupied with the search for happiness. We are bombarded with messages telling us that happiness depends upon acquisition of material possessions. These messages are false. Enduring peace is not the result of our acquisition; it is a spiritual gift from God to those who obey Him and accept His will. If we do not find contentment in God, we will never find it anywhere else. But if we seek Him and obey Him we will be blessed with an inner peace that is beyond human understanding. When God dwells at the center of our lives, peace and contentment will belong to us just as surely we belong to God. Let us make God’s priorities our priorities!
~Philippians 4:11-12.