Are you sure about your salvation?

Do you ever wonder if faith in Jesus is really the only way to be saved? Satan is a crafty liar who will twist God’s Word to cause confusion. In order to steer people away from following Christ, he tries to create the impression that eventually every one will make it to heaven. But that is not what Scripture teaches. John’s gospel tells us “God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him”.

He who believes in Him is not judged, he who does not believe has been judged already, because He has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. The Word of God clearly states that whoever believes in Jesus will be saved. The Bible also stresses that we make this choice during our earthly life. There will be no further opportunities once we die. So if you would like to be sure of your salvation you can do so by inviting Jesus to be your personal Savior now. God who wants you to spend eternity with Him, offers compelling reasons to make this all important decisions. There are no more chances to place faith in the Savior after death.

The free gift of salvation is available only in this life- and only through Jesus. Receive Him now and you will never have to wonder what awaits you in eternity. Acts 16:31

*If you have done it before, why not do it again from your heart to reconfirm.
*If you have not or are not sure – please don’t delay do it now!
*Remember rapture is nearer than you can imagine!