Turning Your Weaknesses into Strength!

Most of us will admit that we have personality flaws and character weakness. We see undesirable tendencies in ourselves such as selfishness, cruelty, vindictiveness, irritability, impatience, and hotheadedness. They are with us because of our fallen sinful conditions. Yet many Christians testify that their defects and weaknesses have become a blessing, causing them to rely more heavily on Jesus. 
By acknowledging their weaknesses these believers have experienced God's grace and strength. We see these links between imperfections and improvement all around us in nature. Have you been worried about faults or shortcomings in your  life? Do not let them get you down. Instead admit their presence, commit them to the Lord in prayer, and trust Him to give you victory. The Psalmist said "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me"  ~Psalm 138:8