Is it difficult for you to trust God and to give control of your future to Him?

We may not know what our tomorrow holds, but as a believer in Christ Jesus, we know the One who does. And He has a perfect plan for our lives. He does not want us to waste precious time today worrying about tomorrow – about things we have no control over or situations that will never come to pass. Instead Jesus wants us to trust Him and to give Him thanks today for what He has blessed us with presently as well for those He has in store for us tomorrow . Yes sight the unseen. That kind of thanksgiving is called faith. The Lord has given us very great and wonderful promises concerning our future. He assures us that His plan for us is to bless us and not to harm us. Life will not be pain free, but it will be perfect for who we are and for where God wants to take us. As we walk with Him, He will faithfully reveal His plan to us one step at a time. Is it difficult for you to trust God and to give control of your future to Him? Romans 5:5