God’s unceasing mercy!

We all need mercy. If we must have mercy from others, how much more we need it from God! The words of Psalm 130:3 often come to mind when we are alone: "If You, LORD, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand?" We should be glad that God keeps forgiving. It is because of God's mercies that we are not consumed. We rely upon His grace when we receive Christ, and His acceptance of us then, was just the beginning of the goodness and favor He had been showering upon us ever since. Have we acknowledged that we owe everything to God? Have we thanked Him for His kindly forbearance in forgiving us again and again and again? We should, because we all need mercy! Let us examine the beauty of this verse: "I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning" 
(Psalm 130:6). Indeed in God alone is hope!  Psalm 130:7