A life devoted to Christ


As Christians, we should long to proclaim the riches of Christ and His Good News. The fact is, our tongue has vastly greater potential than most of us realize. A tongue devoted to God can accomplish much! For example: (I read about) a man in Chicago, who was blind and had neither arms nor leg, but like the psalmist, his heart was overflowing with God’s love, and his tongue was fully dedicated for His use. This man learned to read the Braille Bible using his tongue! As a result of this painstaking accomplishment, he was able to use his tongue in a different way – to teach the Word of God and to share his radiant testimony with others.

Are you sometimes discouraged, thinking that you have little to offer to God? Perhaps, the reason we think our tongue is not enough to praise God is that we sometimes spend too much time allowing our tongue to speak negatively. Instead, if you have Christ’s love in your heart, and a willing tongue in your mouth, offer them to God boldly today and begin to praise and honor our Lord and Savior. Let our faithfulness in the midst of adversity and life’s encumbrances, be used to deliver a powerful witness for Christ. — Psalm 45:1

Recall the song by Charles Wesley – “O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise!”