Abundant Peace

Are you the kind of person who accepts God’s spiritual abundance without reservation? If so, you are availing yourself of the peace and joy that He has promised. Do you sincerely seek the riches that our Savior offers to those who give themselves to Him? Then accept and follow Him today. When you do, you will receive the love and the abundance that Jesus offers. Seek first the salvation that is available through a personal relationship with Christ, and then claim the joy, the peace, and the spiritual abundance that the Shepherd offers. God has promised us abundance, peace and eternal life. These treasures are ours for the asking, all we must do is to claim them. One of the great mysteries of life, is why so many of us wait too long to lay claim on God’s gifts to us. The Lord has promised an abundant life through His Son, Jesus, let us claim that abundance, peace, and blessings. Let us praise and thank God for His love today, tomorrow, and throughout eternity. — Philippians 4:7