Are you anxious, troubled, or worried?

From time to time, all of us must endure discouragement. Sometimes we experience life-changing challenges that leave us reeling. When we do, God stands ready to protect us. When we are troubled, we must call upon God, and in His own time and according to His plan, He will heal us. Are you anxious? Take those anxieties to God. Are you troubled? Take your troubles to Him. Does your world seem to be trembling beneath your feet? Seek protection from the one who cannot be moved. The God who created the universe will protect you if you ask Him- so ask Him. Often, in the midst of great problems and challenges, we stop short of the real blessings God has for us, which is a fresh vision of who He is. God is our strength and protector. In times of trouble let us trust His plan for our lives. His love is infinite. Whatever our circumstances, let us always give praise and thanks and glory to Him. We must claim the riches of God every day that we live and share His blessings with all who cross our paths.  ~2 Kings 20:5