Are you being tested?

In Matthew 8, we are told of a terrible storm that rose quickly on the Sea of Galilee, while Jesus and His disciples were in a boat, far from shore. The disciples were filled with fear. Sometimes like Jesus’s disciples, we feel threatened by the storms of life. Sometimes we may feel distant from God, and sometimes we may question His power or His plans. During these moments, when our hopes begin to fade and our fears begin to multiply, we must remember that God is not just near, He is here. Are you being tested? If so, remember that God is always willing to calm the storms of life, when you sincerely seek His presence and when you genuinely seek to establish a deeper, meaningful relationship with Him. God is prepared to touch your heart, calm your fears, answer your doubts, and restore your hopes. As disciples of Christ, we must trust Him. Our Savior expects no less from us. He deserves no less – Matthew 8:26