Are you burdened by the pressures of every day living?

Are you burdened by the pressures of every day living? If so, it's time to take the pressure off. How can you do that? By allowing the Holy Spirit to fill you and do His work in your life. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, your words and deeds will reflect a love and devotion to Christ. When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the steps of your life's journey are guided by the Lord. When you allow God's spirit to work in you and through you, you will be energized and transformed. Today allow your self to be filled with the spirit of God. And then stand back in amazement as God begins to work miracles in your own life and in the lives of those you love. What ever we do, our whole life and influence should be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. 
~ Ephesians 5:18