Are you facing a difficult decision?

Life presents each of us with countless questions, doubts and problems. Thankfully the riddles of every day living are not too difficult to solve if we look for answers in the right places. When we have questions, we should consult God’s Word, we should seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and we should trust the counsel of God-fearing friends and family members. Are you facing a difficult decision? Take your concerns to God and avail yourself of the messages and members that He has placed along your path. When you do, God will speak to you in His own way and in His own time. When He does, you can most certainly trust the answers that He gives. The location of your affections will drive the direction of your decisions. Seek God’s guidance and trust Him to show you the path that you should take and strive as best as you can to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ.
~James 1:5