Are you facing a difficult decision, a troubling circumstance or a powerful temptation?

Are you facing a difficult decision, a troubling circumstance or a powerful temptation? If so it is time to step back, to stop focusing on the world and to focus instead on the will of your Father in Heaven. The world will often lead you astray, but God will not. His counsel leads you to Himself, which of course is the path, He has always intended for you to take. Every day living is an exercise in decision making. Today and every day you must make choices, choices about what you will do, who you will worship, and how you will think. When in doubt, make choices that you sincerely believe will bring you to a closer relationship with God. If you are uncertain of your next step, pray about it. When you do, answers will come; the right answers for you. Let us make decision that will please God. Let us be honest, patient, thoughtful and obedient to the teachings of Jesus, not only today but every day. – Proverbs 16:9