Stop for a moment and consider the purpose of your life. Are you living to pursue your own interests or success? Is your energy spent only on your interest and family? Perhaps, your ambition is to change the world for better. All these aims- are futile unless the underlying goal is to serve Christ. As Jesus’ followers we should model our lives after His. Yet sometimes we can feel overwhelmed when we consider the amazing ways that believers serve the Lord. With God on our side, there is nothing we can not accomplish. God’s call for each one of us is unique. When He calls us, He will provide the situations, words and ability we can use to achieve what He wants done. Our Father is the One who makes the difference. We are merely tools, and we are blessed to be used by Him. Are we demonstrating our love for our Heavenly Father by serving others? As Christians, we should all live in such a way that every evening we can say to Him “Lord, in the best way I know how, I have attempted to serve Your purpose today”. Let us make sure we use the gifts Entrusted to us to serve Him every day through serving others. ~Matthew 25:34-40