Are you ready to give Jesus His rightful position in your life?

Believe in Jesus, He is the core of Christianity. Knowledge of who Jesus is and what He did must be accompanied by confidence that the facts are true and apply to us. Jesus died for each of us. He paid for all our sins, no matter how terrible they are in the world’s eyes. Jesus’ death is sufficient for our wrong doing, nothing else is needed. He paid our penalty and endured the Father’s wrath in our place. Finally we have to accept by faith that we have been adopted into God’s family on the basis of Christ’s atoning death.
Once we are convinced that Jesus is our Savior, we have to trust Him. As a new creature, we are no longer who we once were, and we now have different values and priorities to embrace. Jesus knows what pleases the Father, and He sent the Spirit to live in us and teach us. Are you ready to give Jesus His rightful position in your life? Will you allow Him to have authority over your life?
He deserves to have top priority over your life!
~John 1:12-13