Are you troubled by feelings of guilt or regrets?

All of us have sinned. Sometimes our sins result from our own stubborn rebellion against God's commandments. And sometimes we are swept up in events that are beyond our abilities and control. Under either set of circumstances, we may experience intense feelings of guilt. But God has an answer for the guilt that we feel. The answer of course is His forgiveness. When we confess our wrong doings and repent, we are forgiven by the One who created us. Are we troubled by feelings of guilt or regrets? If so, we must repent our misdeeds and ask God for forgiveness. When we do He will forgive us completely and without reservations. Then we must forgive ourselves just as God has given us unconditional forgiveness. Let us be ready to confess our wrong doings, accept God's forgiveness and renew our passion to serve God. Romans 8:1