Are you trying to be your own “savior”?

Many people mock the idea of the gospel message while casually tossing around the word "savior" or "salvation". We have heard the term applied to a politician, a prescription medication, a new job or even a vacation. With a strong emphasis on self-help and self-improvement, our culture seems to promote the idea that we can become our own savior. Even after we begin a personal relationship with Jesus, it is important to remember that we still need Him every moment and every day. We need His help to face physical, emotional and spiritual problems. And sometimes we need Him to save us from ourselves. We never want to forget who it is that lifts us up and plucks us out of deep waters. Tell Jesus what you need Him to save you from. Is it a destructive habit? An unhealthy relationship? A frightening situation? A troubling physical problem? Thank Him for being your savior each and every day. ~Acts 4:12