Beginning a New Life in Christ!

God’s Word is clear. When we genuinely invite Him to reign over our hearts, and when we accept His transforming love, we are forever changed. When we welcome Christ into our hearts, an old life ends, and a new way of living- along with a complete new way of viewing the world- begins. Each morning offers a fresh opportunity to invite Christ, yet once again, to rule over our hearts and our days. Each morning presents yet another opportunity to take up His cross and follow in His footsteps. Today, let us rejoice in the new life that is ours through Christ, and let us follow Him, step by step, on the path that He first walked. If we are God’s children, we are no longer bound to our past or to what we were. We are brand new creatures in Christ Jesus. Heavenly Father renew in us the passion to share the Good News of Jesus Christ so we can be effective witnesses for You.
Romans 6:4