Being Holy Spirit Filled

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our words and deeds will reflect a love and devotion to Christ.
When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the steps of our lives’ journey will be guided by the Lord. 
When we allow God’s Spirit to work in us and through us, we will be energized and transformed. 
The Holy Spirit is a living and continually flowing fountain in believers lives. We have the boundless privilege of tapping into that fountain every time we pray. Today, let us allow ourselves to be filled with the spirit of God. And then stand back in amazement as God begins to work miracles in our own lives and in the lives of those we love. The Lord is our sovereign God. His Son defeated death. The Holy Spirit comforts and guides us. Let us celebrate all His gifts. Let us be hope filled Christians today and everyday. — Ephesians 5:18