The Lord’s teachings on prayer in Luke 11 contradicts the notion that we shall weary God out with repeated prayer requests. Jesus told a parable about a man who went to his friend’s house at midnight and asked for some bread to feed his unexpected visitors. At first the friend refused, because he and his family were in bed. Finally, he got up and he gave him the bread, not out of friendship, but because the caller was so persistent. Jesus used this parable to contrast the reluctant friend with our generous Heavenly Father. If an irritated neighbor will give in to his friend's persistence and grant his request, how much more readily will our Heavenly Father give us all we need. It ‘s true that God in His great wisdom may sometimes delay His answers to our prayers. It is also true that we must pray in harmony with the Scriptures and God’s will. But, Jesus moved beyond those facts to urge us to persist in prayer. He told us to ask, seek and knock until the answer comes. So do not worry about wearying God out. He will never be tired of our persistent prayer. Today let us approach God confidently with our needs. — Hebrews 4:16, Luke 11:9