Resolution – Letting God Down


Oh God, I know I have let you down so many times,
and I know the let downs are on me alone.
But now is a defining moment for me,
because in this moment, I not only own my let downs,
But I also ask for your forgiveness.
Therefore, I will stop staying far away from you,
God, I will draw close to you,
Oh God, may I rise up from my let downs,
and may I become a fully devoted follower of Christ.

Letting God Down

Resolution – Revival


Oh God, please bring a revival to our city!
May there come a revival that sweeps across our city,
and changes the hearts of the people here.
But Oh God, I know that revival in their hearts,
begins with the revival in my heart.
So God change my heart, with the pain of conviction.
May the pain of conviction revive my heart,
to speak up for You, when I am tempted to shut up.
And Lord Jesus, break my heart over what breaks Yours.

revival resolution