Christianity is about BECOMING rather than DOING.

Most believers think of Christianity as something we DO. We: pray; read the Bible; go to church; sing hymns; tithe; we Do and Do, and assume that is the Christian life. It Is NOT. Authentic Christianity is about BECOMING rather than DOING. The life of faith that God designed involves receiving Jesus into our hearts and allowing Him to change our habits, mindsets, beliefs, interests, and concerns so we become more and more like Him.
This realization will change our perspective on the challenges we must endure. The Christian life is about Jesus' persistent work of recreation in us. God does not want to be Lord of most of our lives, He wants to be Lord of ALL of our lives. So God zeros in on areas of self-willed or self-sufficiency to eliminate anything that is relying on "self". God wants us to live moment by moment, day by day, in full dependence on Him. Let us open our hearts and ask God to reveal any selfish strong holds in us. Let us allow God to break any unhealthy behavior patterns in our lives. Let us ask Him to be the center and controller of our lives. He will. 2 Corinthians 4:13-15