Do You Forgive? And Do You Forget?

God does not just forgive, He forgets. He destroys the evidence. He deletes the files. Start traveling to find where He puts your sin – you will never arrive! When you confess your sins, He does not pull out a clipboard and say, "you have overdrawn on this sin already". He has no records on forgiven sins. It is like they never happened. God forgets, we do not. Memories of failure haunt us. We find ourselves wondering if God's forgiveness is the last word on our sins. Is He really going to let us off the hook for that betrayal? Those lies? That habit? We read the Bible, but sometimes we are listening to our lingering guilt indicting us. The Bible blows away the fog of temptable  emotions. God has spoken, forgiven sins will never rise against us again. The Bible unmasks our accuser- Satan, who loves to plant doubts about God's word. Let us resist Satan the liar with the truth of God's word. God is amazing. He never treats us according to our sins! ~ Psalm 103:12