Would you ever dare say “surprise me” to God? A lot of us are a little scared to do that. Yes, we have faith that God is good and that He loves us. Yet we may be unsure of what He chooses for us. Throughout the Bible we read that God delights in doing the unexpected. Sometimes it is like the folding back of the waters for His people to cross a sea on dry ground (Exodus 14:21-22). Or forgiving and embracing those who repent of their sin (Psalm 130:1-4). Jesus’s time on earth was filled with amazing events that pointed people to His Father. He calmed the storms, healed the sick and raised the dead. He is still in the process of doing these. He is willing and ready to calm the storms of our lives! What kind of God do we serve? One who is not confined by our finite imaginations (Ephesians 3:20). God’s thoughts and ways are not like ours (Isaiah 55:5). He wants to bless us with far more than we expect. He delights in His children who trust Him. When we allow God to surprise us, and to provide for us, we will always be satisfied! — Isaiah 55:8