Embracing Childlike Faith

Childlike faith is a concept celebrated throughout the Scriptures, emphasizing a simple, trusting, and heartfelt reliance on God. Matthew 18:3 states, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Just as a child trusts their parents for provision, protection, and guidance, faith involves trusting God with a deep-seated confidence that He will take care of our needs, concerns, and our entire lives. Thus, allowing us to approach God with humility, acknowledging our need for Him in all aspects of life, and submitting to His greater wisdom.
Children often exhibit a capacity for joy and an awe of the world around them. Similarly, childlike faith embraces a joyful spirit and a sense of wonder at God’s creation and promises. Childlike faith means coming to God just as we are, without pretense, and speaking to Him openly and honestly in prayer. Let’s make it a habit to express joy and gratitude in our spiritual life and daily interactions, reflecting the trusting spirit of being a child of God.