Expectations! We all have them. We expect that people will be nice to us, that we will have good health, great marriages, faithful friends, successful careers, and great finances. But what do we do when life does not live up to our expectations? In Philippians 1, Paul showed us the way he faced broken expectations of place, people, and the future, yet he remained surprisingly upbeat. Paul was stuck in prison—not a great place to be! When we get stuck in an unrewarding job, or a difficult relationship, or a challenging neighborhood, it is easy to get discouraged. But Paul was wonderfully positive. So should we. Paul saw the suffering as a way to help advance the gospel. Maybe people have not lived up to our expectations. Maybe it is an uncertain future- a job transfer or loss- a health crisis- let us adopt Paul’s only expectation- “Christ is preached and in this I rejoice“. For Christ to be honored no matter what! We can expect to enjoy God’s presence when we honor Him with our lives. Philippians 1:20