Faith, Love and Peace!

If we remember what the Lord has done for us, it should change our attitudes towards the future. Remembrance leads to new Resolve. What are we most thankful for? What has it inspired us to do and be? The backward look, the inward look, and the outward look and the forward look are part of a vital encounter with the Lord. Reflection reminds us of what He has done, introspection exposes our needs, awareness reveals what we are to do, and vision charts the future. Then we can say we love the Lord, because He has heard our voices and supplications! What supplications has God heard and answered for us? Let us allow our minds to drift back over our lives, consider all the times we prayed and God stepped in to give us what was best for our lives. Remember? Now let us rest and be thankful! A New Year, a New Beginning is before us! Courage grows out of that reflection. The backwards looks and the inward looks have led us to a courageous forward look for today and all our tomorrows. Let us have a blessed and fruitful New Year.
Where there is faith, there is love
Where there is love there is peace
Where there is peace there is God
And where there is God there is no need/lack
~Psalm 116:7