Faith that Moves Mountains

It is only by faith that we receive Jesus Christ or live the Christian life. Faith also is the power of prayer. If we are to have our prayers answered we must pray in faith as never before. Faith is the opposite of sight. They are contrary to each other. We live by believing not by seeing. We do not look at the troubles we can see now, rather we should fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. In praying, faith depends upon our living in the invisible world. The reason for our lack of faith is our lack of the knowledge of God and communion with Him. When a soul knows God and allows the light of God to illuminate his life, unbelief will become impossible. All the mysteries connected with answer to prayer will be swallowed up in the assurance that this God is our God. He does answer prayers. Jesus promised to give us faith that will remove mountains. Let us receive that faith today. Let us ask God to fill our hearts with the "supernatural " that will make unbelief impossible for us. 
~Mark 11:24