Fear and Anxiety are hindrances to God’s Plan

Anxiety is a sin. The combination of fear and uncertainty robs away the peace that our Heavenly Father intends for us to have. But anxiety does not fit who we are in Jesus Christ. By putting our faith in Him, we have placed our lives in the hands of a sovereign God who wants the very best for us. What do we have to fear when we trust Him? Believing in the Lord does not mean that we will never experience uncertainty. What it means is that we choose to let go of anxiety, and instead trust Him to provide for our needs in His time and in His way.
Satan will dig in and use every resource he can to build our apprehension. That is what sinful anxiety looks like – sense of fear that overwhelms faith. Faith can be besieged and be toppled when its foundation is weakened by unbelief. We have to believe He is capable of dealing with the problems in our lives, and not try to fix the issues ourselves, but wait patiently for the Lord to act on our behalf. The Lord sees the beginning and end of every situation that we face. He knows the root of our anxiety, the best way to calm our hearts, and how to turn our anxiety into joy. He will do all of these without leaving our side because He loves us deeply and desires to bless us richly. John 14:2.