If we are having trouble prioritizing our days, then it may be that we are organizing our lives according to our plans, not God’s. A better strategy is to take our daily obligations and place them in the hands of the One who created us. To do so, we must prioritize our days according to God’s commandments, and we must seek His will and His wisdom in all matters. Then, we can face the day with the assurance that the same God who created our universe out of nothingness will help us place first things first. So let us turn the concerns of this day over to God—prayerfully, earnestly, and often. Then listen for His answer and trust the solution He gives. When we are worried, let us turn to God for comfort. When we are weak, let us turn to God for strength. Let us guard our thoughts, so we may honor God today and every day that we live. — Philippians 1:9