Give God Priority in Our Lives

Each new day is a gift from God, and if we are wise we will spend a few quiet moments each morning thanking the Giver. When we begin each day with our heads bowed and our hearts lifted, we are reminded of God's love, His protection and His commandments. Then, we can align our priorities for the day with the teachings and commandments that God has placed upon our hearts. So if we have acquired the unfortunate habit of trying to "squeeze God into the corners of our lives", it is time to reshuffle the items on our to-do list by placing God first. And if we have already done so, then let us form the habit of spending quality time with our Father in heaven. He deserves it and so do we! A daily walk with Him who loved us and gave Himself for us, so we may live together with Him is worth adopting. ~Isaiah 50:4-5