God Has No Rivals!

Life is full of choices. What we choose to live for is the most important choice of all. It faces every human being and affects every aspect of our lives. Once we have made this choice, it will help us to make other choices in life. Choose for yourself this day who you will serve! Serving The Lord leads to freedom and the ability to make the right decisions for ourselves and our families. We have to choose God because of what He has done for us. God has sent His Son Jesus to die for us and His Spirit to come and give us new life. He has liberated us from guilt, addiction, fear and death. He has set us free to know God, to love and to be transformed into His likeness. Serving the Lord involves all of our hearts and all of our lives. We must make sure God has no rivals for His affection. We need to put every area of our lives into the hands of the Lord – Our family ,friends, time, work, money, possessions and abilities. Why not ask God to reveal if there are any other gods in your life? If there are, resolve today to get rid of them. Choose today to serve the Lord for the rest of your life. You will never regret it! 
Joshua 24:15