God makes all things possible

Genuine faith is never meant to be locked up in the heart of a believer, to the contrary, it is meant to be shared with the world. But, if we sincerely seek to share our faith, we must first find it. Every life including ours is marked by success and failure; celebration and disappointment; joy and sorrow. During these peaks and valleys, we must remember that God is standing by our side at every step, through every triumph and tragedy. God will give us strength if we simply have faith in Him. As our faith grows and becomes stronger, we should find ways to share it with our friends, our families and the world. We will be astounded at the wonderful things Christ Jesus can do with us and through us when we simply put our lives in His hands. God makes all things possible when we trust Him. He stands ready to open a world of endless possibilities to us if we have faith. Let us talk faith. Let us stand firm in faith. – 1 Corinthians 16:13