God’s love is everlasting

God’s love is everlasting. He bestows it on us continuously, and there is absolutely nothing that can interrupt or interfere with it. This is because His love is not based on a feeling, but flows from His very nature. Therefore, it is perfect, unchangeable, and trustworthy (1John 4:8). In contrast, disagreements and other circumstances can cause our love to fluctuate or fail. What is more, God’s love is unconditional- there is nothing we can say or do to either deserve or deter it. We never have to wonder if the Lord still loves us. Every day we walk under the canopy of His love, which remains unaffected by our behavior, whether good or bad. Even when we wander from His will or fall into disobedience, we do not have to worry that the canopy will be removed. We did not build it, so we can not dismantle it. The source of God’s love is God Himself, and His love is eternal, perfect, and without any conditions whatsoever. We must always remember that sin does not affect God’s boundless love for us, it only distances us from Him, as He cannot tolerate sin. As soon as we ask for forgiveness, we are back in His loving arms. The Heavenly Father has always loved us, and He always will. So let us rejoice under His canopy now and  forever. – Jeremiah 31:3