God’s Peace

It is comforting to know that even after Gideon’s decisive encounter with the Lord, he needed further assurance that God would deliver Israel through him. How like most of us. We want to be sure. There needs to be some sign. Our lack of confidence demands an undeniable revelation before we will get on with what the Lord has told us we are to do. What will it take to convince us that the Lord is with us and will give us the power to accomplish His guidance?
What is essential is knowing and believing that God loves us so much that He is willing to enter into dialogue with us in prayer and perhaps give us a sign that a particular direction or action is what He wills. He uses the thoughts of our minds, the feelings of our emotions, and the arrangements of circumstances to assure us. When we surrender our wills and ask for guidance well in advance of a significant decision, He will get through to us. Let us be sure of that! At the right time, there will be a convergence of our thinking and feelings about what we have read in the Scriptures and what we discern around us. It might even be that we have more guidance than we have acted on. The most important thing is to remember that God draws us closer to Him in times of uncertainty. The Lord who gives the day will show the way! — Judges 6:37