When we are in a time of prosperity, we risk becoming independent or proud and may even start to trust ourselves more than God. But when everything goes wrong, or we have reached the end of our own resources, and there is nothing more we can do, we are thrown into true dependence on God. God’s strength is made perfect in weakness.
(2 Corinthians 12:10). Problems should lead to prayer, as prayer leads to solutions. This in turn leads to God being thanked. God will deliver us because on Him we have set our hope. Today let us thank God for all the ways He has delivered us in the past. Let us bring to Him all the major challenges and problems we may be facing, commit them into His hands, and set our hope on Him. Let us make the Lord our hiding place whatever happens! What deep waters are you facing? How does God’s promise to go through them with you strengthen your heart today? — 2 Corinthians 1:10, Isaiah 43:2
(2 Corinthians 12:10). Problems should lead to prayer, as prayer leads to solutions. This in turn leads to God being thanked. God will deliver us because on Him we have set our hope. Today let us thank God for all the ways He has delivered us in the past. Let us bring to Him all the major challenges and problems we may be facing, commit them into His hands, and set our hope on Him. Let us make the Lord our hiding place whatever happens! What deep waters are you facing? How does God’s promise to go through them with you strengthen your heart today? — 2 Corinthians 1:10, Isaiah 43:2