It is an old saying and a true one: “First, you make your habits and then your habits make you.” Some habits will inevitably bring us closer to God, other habits will lead us away from the path He has chosen for us. If we sincerely desire to improve our spiritual health, we must honestly examine the habits that make up the fabric of our lives. Then, we must abandon those habits that are displeasing to God. If we trust God and ask for His help, He can transform our lives. If we ask Him to help us, the same God who created the universe will help us defeat the harmful habits that have heretofore defeated us. So let us keep praying. God is listening and ready to help us become better persons, if we ask Him. If we want to form new habits—get to work. If we want to break bad habits—get on your knees. Let us ask God to help us break bad habits and form good ones. Let us make sure that our actions are pleasing to God today and every day. — 1 Corinthians 15:33.