God’s spirit indwells us at Salvation, which means His power is available from that moment.(Ephesians 1:13). God created a simple way for us to access that strength every single day. First we must accept the truth, that in and of ourselves, we are powerless to live out God’s will. No matter how capable we may be, our own strength and wisdom are insufficient. We have to allow God to work through us. We need to surrender our entire life to the guidance and governance of the Holy Spirit. In other words we choose to conduct our spiritual walk, as well as our vocation, finances, family and relationships as God desires. We need to exercise faith, which means demonstrating beliefs and trust in the Lord. Faith is the “switch” that releases God’s power. It is trusting God to give us what we need in order to do His will. We need to commit to these principles as a way of life. We cannot by our own power, but God can. We must submit to His will because His plans are for our good and His glory. That is the kind of life that over flows with the Holy Spirit’s power. ~Romans 8:26-27