He is Able!

How would you describe a stable person? What words would you use? At the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave a parable to illustrate a stable person, whose life was built on a rock life foundation. The man who built his house upon a rock was the one who heard the master’s words and did them. Hearing and doing were the inseparable combination for great character. We all know people who talk beyond what they live. We are never sure of them. Jesus Christ is able to help us hear His messages and live it. The result will be stability. Each time we dare to live out an aspect of the gospel, as we know it, it becomes part of our character. Consistency and congruity between what we believe and what we do will build the house of our life on a firm foundation. That kind of stability will show in our countenance, be reflected in our voices, and radiated in our convictions. The world desperately needs established, stable Christians, who know who they are, whose they are, and what they are to be and do. The storms of life may beat on us, but we do not change; the wind of change blasts away, but we do not collapse. Because, the One who is able has taken control. So, we can think His thoughts, we can be calm in life’s distresses, we can discover and do His will, and we can be strengthened by His spirit. Training and conditioning make a stable person. It begins on life’s little things and prepares us for the big crises. Let the storms come! He who is able, will take control! — Matthew 7:24