Honoring God

Whom will you choose to honor today? If you honor God and place Him at the center of your life, every day becomes a center for celebration. But


if you fail to honor your Heavenly Father, you are asking for trouble,

and lots of it. At times our lives are probably hectic, demanding and complicated. When the demands of life leaves us rushing from place to place, with scarcely a moment to spare, we may fail to praise and thank Our Creator for the blessings He has bestowed upon us. But that is a big mistake!

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So let us honor God for who He is and what He has done for us, and not just honor Him only during Sunday worship. Praise Him all day long, every day for as long as we live-and then for all eternity. Let us honor God every day of our lives


 the Creator for His blessings. His love for us is eternal as are His gifts. And it is never too soon- or too late- to offer Him thanks.


Proverbs 3:9-10; 1

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Thessalonians 5:18
