How do you plan to use today’s gift?

As Christians, every day should begin and end with God. Christ came to Earth to give us abundant life and eternal Salvation. We give thanks to our Maker, when we treasure each day and use it to the fullest. Today is God’s gifts to us. How we use it, is our gift to God. So how do we plan to use today’s gift? Shall we celebrate God’s blessings and obey His commandments? Shall we share words of encouragement and hope with all who cross our paths? Shall we share the good news of the risen Christ? We are the only ones who can answer these questions. May we answer wisely today and every day of our lives. With each dawn, life delivers a package to our front door. Today is ours. If we peer anxiously into the fog of the future, we will strain our spiritual eyes, causing us not to see, clearly, what is required of us now. So let us rejoice and be glad today and always! – Psalm 118:24