In Difficult Times

Many of us have experienced difficult times, from disappointments to tragedies. The reassuring words of 1 John 5:4 give us comfort that by accepting God's free/unearned gift of salvation, we overcome the passing hardships of this world. This personal relationship through Jesus Christ allows us to take refuge in God's strength, love, and promise of eternal life. Thus, when adversities arise, we know our loving Savior stands ready to protect us. When we call upon God in heartfelt prayer, He will answer—in His own time and according to His own plan—and He will heal us. While we wait for God's plan and for His healing touch to restore us, we can be comforted in the knowledge that nothing is too difficult for God to handle. Let us take God at His word and trust in Him. In times of adversity, let us trust God's plan and His will for our lives. Whatever the circumstances, let us always give thanks and glory to the Lord God, Almighty. — 1 John 5:4