In His Footsteps

Each day confronts us with myriad opportunities to serve God and to follow in Jesus's footsteps. We need to entrust our actions and endeavors to our Heavenly Father, whose guidance and blessings can help us navigate a fast-changing world. In this way, we can overcome the overwhelming feelings that may burden our lives. God intends that we slow down long enough to praise Him and glorify His Son. When we do, He lifts our spirits and enriches our lives. Each day provides a glorious opportunity to place ourselves in the service of the One who is the Giver of all blessings. Let us seek God's Will,  trust His Words, and walk in His footsteps. With a glad and eager heart, let us surrender ourselves and all that concerns us over to God. If we do this, our lives will begin to show the joy accompanying a union with Christ. Let us fully commit to trusting God, obeying His teachings, and sharing the Good News message. God provides an abundant and grace-filled life, so let us follow Him today and forever. — John 13:15.