Is your foundation stable?

God has ways of shaking the world when He is up to something big. For example He caused the ground to quake when Jesus died on the cross and also after Pentecost, and when the Holy Spirit emboldened Christ's followers to spread the gospel. Today, the ground may not physically move but the Lord is certainly doing some shaking. Political alliances, financial systems and ethical standards are all being allowed to wobble. Families are in crisis, and many marriages are buckling. Sadly, people have too often built lives on the weak cornerstones of their human wisdom, goodness and ingenuity. But there is only one secure foundation: Jesus Christ. God always has a purpose for allowing upheaval in His ordered creation, to remind us not to trust in the temporary structures of this world. Rather we are to rest upon the firm foundation of God's steadfast love and salvation. As the Lord's ambassadors on earth- and the only ones standing on firm ground- we have a responsibility to offer real hope to those whose foundation is unstable. No job, government or even religion can give a person long-term security. A relationship with Christ is the only lasting refuge. 1 Corinthians 3:11; Acts 4:31; Matthew 27:51