Jesus came to redeem us from our sins

Despite our shortcomings, God sent His Son so that we might be redeemed from our sins. In doing so, our Heavenly Father demonstrated His infinite mercy; and His infinite love. We have received countless gifts from God but none can compare with the gift of salvation. God's grace is the ultimate gift and we owe Him the ultimate in thanksgiving. Christ sacrificed His life on the cross so that we might have eternal life. This gift freely given from God's only begotten Son is the priceless possession of everyone who accepts Him as Lord and Savior.
Even when we are not perfect, our Heavenly Father looks beyond our mistakes and calls us to a deeper walk with Him for our benefit and His glory. We return our Savior's love by welcoming Him into our hearts and sharing His message and His love. When we do so, we are blessed here on earth and throughout all eternity. God offered His grace freely to us through Christ Jesus. Let us share the good news of His Son with a world that desperately needs His peace, His abundance, His love, and His salvation.
Romans 3:23-24