Jesus Christ is the true treasure!

“We will live forever”, but where, with whom and how? Jesus spoke about that portion of us that will not perish—“Our Soul”. What kind of heart (or soul) shall we have developed during our years in this life? If we "value the wrong treasure", our hearts will be fashioned around our dominant desire. No one can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). The condition of our hearts shapes what we do with our possessions. Jesus said, "Do not lay for yourselves treasures on earth" (Matthew 6:19). He meant, not to invest our lives in material things. The one thing we shall take with us is our true self. A surrender of our lives to Christ will call for a daily death to our own will for our life and possessions. We are to die to our control and bring all things under God’s control. John Wesley said, “Make all you can; Keep all you can; Save all you can; Give all you can." The last aspect of that determines everything else. At the last count we only have what we have given away. The character that has been developed through giving is what lasts forever. For Christ is our true treasure. Is life with Him, doing His will, most important to you? Our faith in Christ is the one treasure laid up in Heaven that can be enjoyed on earth. — Matthew 6:21