Joyful Messengers

Do you see each day as a glorious opportunity to serve God and to do His will? Are you enthused about life, or do you struggle through each day giving scarcely a thought to God’s blessings? Are you constantly praising God for His gifts, and are you sharing His Good News with the world? And are you excited about the possibilities for service that God has placed before you, whether at home, at work, at church or at school? You should be. We are the recipients of Christ’s sacrificial love. Let us accept it enthusiastically and share it fervently. Jesus deserves our enthusiasm; the world deserves it; and we deserve the experience of sharing it. The Christian life is a glorious adventure- let us share our excitement with others. Let us be enthusiastic believers and share our enthusiasm through reaching out of ourselves with joy today and everyday. — Ephesians 6:7