Life’s Difficult Times

During the difficult times in our lives we should stop trying to manipulate our circumstances and instead trust God and allow Him to work. First we must understand that the Heavenly Father is allowing those difficulties. If we believe that He is in control, then we must believe that He permitted these events to occur. Second there is a purpose behind our trials even when life seems confusing and hopeless. The Lord will not allow hardships to come our way without good reasons. Third, since there is a purpose for our hardships, they have the potential to ultimately be positive experiences. If we respond correctly we may look back on the experience as a catalyst for growth in our spiritual walk. God caused all things to work together for good to those who who love Him and are called according to His purpose. In order to maneuver successfully through the storms of life, we must understand its truth. God has a purpose in everything even the most challenging of circumstances. He will never fail us. In fact He works with us through them. What a reliable and loving God!
1 Peter 4:12-13