God lights our paths. When we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, He who is the light of the world enters our lives and removes the darkness of our sins and despair. This light continues to comfort us through times of sorrow. In the midst of sadness, trouble, illness or disappointment, the Lord brightens the way and encourages us by giving us hope. This may come through the exhortation from a fellow believer or from reading the Word, the Bible. It may be the soothing illumination of His Word by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. It may be calm reassurance in response to heartfelt prayers. Or it may be the miraculous supply of a specific need. Whatever the case, God sends light when we are engulfed in the darkness of the "valley of the shadow of death" (Psalm 23). For us there is always light in the darkest night. Even in darkness, light dawns for the upright! God's wisdom can be a light to guide our steps. Let us claim it as our light today, tomorrow and every day, of our lives; and then walk confidently in the footsteps of God's only begotten Son. Is the Bible your lamp? If not you are depriving yourself of the priceless gift from the Creator! We must trust God's words without any reservation! It is our guide book for life here on earth and for life eternal. – Psalm 112:4; Psalm 119:105