Living Free

Have you ever heard the suggestion that trusting Jesus means life is on the easy road, with riches and smooth sailing all through? But that is not what God promised us. He never assured us we would go through life trouble-free or that we would not have challenges. Instead, God assures us that no matter what, as our Heavenly Father, as our Protector, our Guide, our Shepherd, He would be with us through them. He said He would never leave us or forsake us. But why are Christians not exempt from national disasters, serious illness, interpersonal quarrels, and mistreatment by others? Though we may not know the reasons, we know that these situations are opportunities to grow our faith in God. To go to God in prayer and glorify God, no matter what the circumstances. If we do, our struggle can direct others to the Savior as we strive toward our ultimate goal of rest and reward in heaven. God allows trials in our lives, not to impair us but to improve us. — 2 Timothy 3:1